Monthly Archives: September 2007

Free Captcha for your site

Comment spam, guestbook spam, e-mail spam is getting on my nerves. I’m always looking out for the next best thing to protect my web sites from any spam messages. Usually, I protect my web forms using a Captcha (a graphical security code) which needs to be resolved by a real user in order to use the form. Now I’ve found a great free service which allows you to protect information with a graphical code without doing any programming. Continue reading

Audience Measurement (2)

Last Friday, I wrote a quick post about QuantCast, a worldwide web traffic ranking service.

I’ve included their tracking code on all of my sites and now I’m waiting for the stats count up. The first couple of days of statistics are available on their site already.

Based on their analysis, my web sites get 1.2 million visits a month from 900,000 unique visitors. This number will continue to grow once there is enough data available. Continue reading

Audience Measurement

Today, I discovered the service called Quantcast. This is a web site measurement company that provides free counter and statistics for your site. It also compares your site to millions of other sites on the Internet. The nice thing is that you can combine several sites into a network of sites which gives you an overview about your whole network. This is a feature that’s currently now available on Google Analytics.

I’ve put the Quantcast code on several of my sites and in a few days, I’ll let you know about the results… I hope that the statistics are accurate…