Monthly Archives: September 2007

Browser War – useragents on the web

Making sure your web site displays correctly in all browsers is very important. While Internet Explorer is still the most popular web browser, you should also test the site for other systems to accommodate all users.

While business users are slower to upgrade their operating system, they seem to like using alternative web browsers. This is probably due to the fact that Firefox and Safari are safer to use than Internet Explorer. Opera is also more popular with business users. We’ve analyzed more than 1.8 million unique web visitors during July and August 2007. Continue reading

OS War – operating systems on the web

When designing your web site you should take into account the operating systems of the visitors to your web site. The OS war still exists and is heating up again.

There is a difference if your site is visited by home users or corporate users. Also the location of your visitors is important. Users in Europe and North America are quicker to upgrade their computer systems. However home users upgrade more quickly the operating system, probably because they’ve got access to pirated software or businesses are still evaluating the possibilities of deploying Windows Vista. We’ve analyzed more than 1.8 million visitors during July and August 2007 to see what OS they are running. Continue reading

Modifying Analog to recognize Windows Vista

If you are using Analog to analyze your web server log files, then you might have noticed a recent increase in hits for “Unknown Windows” in the operating system report.

Most of these hits are actually coming from Windows Vista, but as Analog hasn’t been updated in a while, it doesn’t recognize Vista yet. You need to patch the source of Analog for this functionality. Continue reading