Site Check – Web Site Advice

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Archive for the ' Tips ' Category

Comment spam, guestbook spam, e-mail spam is getting on my nerves. I’m always looking out for the next best thing to protect my web sites from any spam messages. Usually, I protect my web forms using a Captcha (a graphical security code) which needs to be resolved by a real user in order to use the form. Now I’ve found a great free service which allows you to protect information with a graphical code without doing any programming. Read the rest of this entry »

A web site that is being launched should be optimized for all browsers. A visitor to your site won’t change their computer system (screen resolution, browser version,…) in order to see your site. Your visitor is likely to turn away quickly and go to another source for information because there are so many sites on the Internet.

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If you want to know who’s visiting your web site and which pages they look at, then you should start looking at your log files or use some of the free visitor tracking services mentioned in this article.

Now that you’ve optimized your site and started the online promotion work, it’s time to measure the results.

The best way to see if there is an increase in visitors is to look at the log files of your site. Your web hosting company should be able to give you access to those files and maybe even run some daily statistics on them. Read the rest of this entry »

You’ve got a web site but nobody cares. Nobody knows where your site is and what’s you’ve got to offer. It’s about time to start promoting your content to the world. I’ll cover a few basic tactics in this article.

After the optimization of the site (see my previous article), it’s time to promote it more thouroughly to get more visitors to your site.

If you’ve got an online marketing budget to burn, then there are several options that I can recommend. This will bring in results quickly, however it requires you to run your campaign for a longer period as you’re basically paying for visitors to come to your site. However there are also some free alternatives. Read the rest of this entry »

Optimizing a web site for faster load times, reducing coding errors and providing a better experience for users and search engines alike

During the planning phase of a site, many people put too much stuff on their home page, thinking that everything is equally important. However this increases loading times and spoils the user experience. You’ll notice that visitors don’t spend too much time on your site. You’d better do something about it.

Once you’ve got the first version of your site online, it’s time to think about optimizing the design and layout so that it works well for your visitors and search engines alike. Read the rest of this entry »